Raja Pervaiz Ashraf congratulates Christian community on Christmas

Speaker National Assembly and former Prime Minister (PM) of Pakistan Raja Pervez Ashraf has congratulated the Christian community around the world especially in Pakistan on the joyous occasion of Christmas.
He said that the brothers and sisters belonging to the Christian community equal sharers in happiness.
He said that the Constitution of Pakistan guarantees the protection of the rights of all the minority communities living in the country.
He said that every citizen in Pakistan has full freedom to live according to their religious beliefs and teachings and celebrate religious festivals without discrimination.
Speaker said that Allah Almighty sent Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him) to preach peace, love, brotherhood and tolerance.
He said that Muslims consider Jesus as the chosen and true prophet of Allah and his birthday is as much a source of joy for Muslims as it is for the Christian community.
Appreciating the role of the members belonging to the Christian community in the Parliament, the Speaker said that the members belonging to the Christian community have always participated fully in the proceedings of the House and have played an active role in the legislative process.
Appreciating the services of the Christian community in the construction and development of the country, the speaker said that the Christian community is rendering significant services in all spheres of life, especially in the fields of education and medicine.
He emphasized the need to promote inter-religious tolerance and harmony for the establishment of lasting peace in the world and said that he made the world a cradle of peace by popularizing the teachings of peace, love and brotherhood of Jesus.

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