Quaid-e-Azam is still a beacon for all of us today: Caretaker PM

Caretaker Prime Minister Anwar Haq Kakar has said that today we are celebrating the 147th birth anniversary of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah with full enthusiasm.
Entire nation remembers the founder of Pakistan with utmost devotion and respect:Kakar
He said that we as a nation are grateful to Allah almighty for blessing us with this great leader who led the Muslims of the subcontinent and finally got a free homeland for us.
Further he said Quaid-e-Azam united the Muslims of the subcontinent under one flag for the struggle to establish a new independent Muslim state on the world map. Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah is still a beacon for all of us today, due to his exemplary character and exceptional leadership qualities.
Quaid-e-Azam’s determination and unwavering willpower gave the Muslims the determination to continue their struggle to achieve their goal and bravely face all odds for the great cause, he added.
Adhering to their principles of unity, faith and discipline, he said the Muslims made unprecedented sacrifices and achieved their collective goal. It was his strength of character that became a beacon for the Muslims of the subcontinent.
Even his opponents respected him for his principle, integrity and conviction. His behavior was beyond any expediency. Quaid-e-Azam’s life was a reflection of constitutional struggle and political insight. The best way to pay homage to our great leader is to follow his principles as a nation, Kakar maintained.
PM further said that Quaid-e-Azam made it clear in his speech on August 11, 1947 that every person in Pakistan will have complete freedom of belief and religion. Today there is a need to repeat the message given by the leader for inter-faith harmony. We need to unite within our ranks to defeat the forces of extremism, uphold the principles of democracy, peaceful coexistence and rule of law.
Let us pledge for national unity and a prosperous and developed Pakistan. Kakar continued that leader’s principles of unity, faith and discipline should be the guiding principles for all of us as a nation. May Allah enable us to make Pakistan a truly democratic state as envisioned by our great leader.

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