QMC prepares plan for cleanliness during Eidul Azha days


150 vehicles to take part in operation:
QMC prepares plan for
cleanliness during
Eidul Azha days

Independent Report

QUETTA: The Quetta Metropolitan Corporation (QMC) has prepared a plan for keeping the city clean during Eid holidays.
This was announced by the Administrator QMC, Abdul Jabbar Baloch while speaking to a section of media on Wednesday.
According to QMC Administrator, emergency centers would be set up at two different places in the metropolis.
The QMC sanitary teams would remain available at the centers to facilitate the general public to carry waste of the sacrificial animals.
The Administrator said that we have the target to lift at least 1700 tons garbage and waste of animals daily during Eid days.
Moreover, 150 small and big vehicles of the Corporation would take part in the cleanliness operation in Quetta, he mentioned.

Daily Independent

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