QESCO crackdown against electricity pilferers and defaulters continues

Independent Report

QUETTA: The Quetta Electric Supply Company (QESCO) continues its extensive crackdown against those involved in the electricity pilferage and defaulters all over the province including Quetta.
According to spokesman of QESCO, in all 3504 connections have been involved in the power pilferage in the province. while a total of 338 FIRs have been registered against the power thieves.
Of them, 65 FIRs have been lodged in Quetta city, 89 each in Sibi and Loralai, 65 in Khuzdar, 25 in Pishin and five in Makran division.
The QESCO spokesman informed that 123 persons have been arrested on charges of power pilferage in the province.
The electricity pilferers have been charged fine of Rs. 9 crore 27 lakh all over the province, out of which Rs. 5 crore and 70 lakh have also been recovered.
Similarly, Rs. 378 million have also been recovered from 6422 defaulters of the electricity bills, the spokesman mentioned.
The QESCO teams also removed six transformers on non-payment of the bills in different parts of the province.
According to the spokesman, the crackdown would remain continued in future. No one would be spared during the crackdown, therefore, all those involved in power pilferage and those defaulters have been asked to do away with the illegal practice.
Otherwise, they should be ready to face the consequences of power theft and non-payment of the bills and arrears, the QESCO warned.

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