Qaiser Nawab, an international expert on global affairs, Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), Central and Eurasia.


A Praiseworthy Stance on Global Affairs: Azerbaijan’s Leadership in NAM


As the Ministerial Meeting of the Coordinating Bureau of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) takes place in the vibrant city of Baku, Azerbaijan, the world witnesses a remarkable display of international cooperation and solidarity. With great enthusiasm and pride, H.E. Mr. Ilham Aliyev, the President of Azerbaijan and NAM Chair, delivered an impactful speech that underscored Azerbaijan’s exceptional leadership and dedication to addressing pressing global challenges.


The significance of Azerbaijan’s chairmanship for 2019-2022, which was unanimously extended for an additional year, cannot be overstated. During this period, Azerbaijan showcased its unwavering commitment to justice, international law, and the protection of the legitimate interests of NAM member states in line with the “Bandung principles.” Notably, Azerbaijan played a crucial role in countering the unprecedented challenge of the COVID-19 pandemic, effectively consolidating global efforts through the NAM Online Summit and UN General Assembly Special Session.


Furthermore, Azerbaijan’s leadership was instrumental in institutionalizing the Movement’s influence with the establishment of the NAM Parliamentary Network and NAM Youth Organization in 2021 and 2022, respectively. These steps towards institutional sustainability demonstrate Azerbaijan’s dedication to ensuring the continuity and effectiveness of NAM’s impact, paving the way for a successful legacy for incoming chairs.


In his address, President Aliyev also emphasizes the importance of addressing climate change, forced migration, and promoting intercultural and interreligious dialogue. He calls for the condemnation of Islamophobia, xenophobia, and any attempts to equate Islam with violence and terror. President Aliyev’s recognition of Azerbaijan’s historic victory in the Patriotic War and the restoration of territorial integrity and historical justice serves as a reminder of the triumph of international law.



Throughout its chairmanship, Azerbaijan exemplified its role as a responsible and active member of the international community. The country generously provided COVID-19-related financial and humanitarian assistance to more than 80 countries, including fellow NAM members, illustrating its commitment to global solidarity and cooperation. Additionally, Azerbaijan’s allocation of funds to support post-pandemic recovery in Africa and Small Island Developing States, as well as its voluntary contributions to the World Health Organization, further underscored its proactive approach to addressing global challenges.


President Ilham Aliyev’s speech also highlighted Azerbaijan’s unwavering commitment to multilateralism and the need for the Non-Aligned Movement to find its place in the reshaping world order. As one of the largest international institutions after the United Nations, NAM must firmly stand by the Bandung principles and raise its voice against violations of sovereignty, territorial integrity, and interventions in the internal affairs of states.


Azerbaijan’s call for serious reforms within the UN, especially expanding the composition of the Security Council to make it more representative and geographically fair, resonates with the international community. Moreover, the proposal to grant one permanent seat at the UN Security Council to NAM, along with rotational seats for chairs of NAM, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, and the African Union, further highlights Azerbaijan’s commitment to promoting equitable representation and inclusivity in global decision-making.


The President’s emphasis on combating neo-colonialism is commendable, and Azerbaijan’s call for France to recognize and address its colonial past and apologize for historical injustices serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of acknowledging and rectifying past wrongs.


Furthermore, Azerbaijan’s victory in the Patriotic War, putting an end to the 30-year-long Armenian occupation, and reclaiming its territories with respect for international law and justice, signifies a significant achievement for the country and the region. The nation’s commitment to rebuilding the liberated territories, despite facing significant challenges such as mine-infestations and environmental destruction, reflects its resilience and determination to ensure a prosperous future for its citizens.


As the Ministerial Meeting continues, Azerbaijan’s contributions to NAM’s agenda and its stance on global affairs demonstrate its commitment to fostering cooperation, peace, and justice worldwide. The nation’s vision and leadership, as eloquently conveyed by President Ilham Aliyev, stand as a shining example of the strength and efficacy of the Non-Aligned Movement.


Daily Independent

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