Lahore,   Punjab Chief Minister Mohsin Naqvi conducted visits to Mayo Hospital, Services Hospital, and the College of Nursing. Chief Minister Mohsin Naqvi conducted a thorough review of the ongoing upgradation works at the Children’s Emergency and Main Emergency Block of Mayo Hospital.

During the inspection of Children’s Emergency, Chief Minister Mohsin Naqvi noted the absence of workers and a lack of progress. Expressing concern, he directed that the upgradation of the Children’s Emergency floors should be expedited by implementing a three-shift work schedule.

Moving on to the Emergency Block of Mayo Hospital, Chief Minister Mohsin Naqvi inspected the construction progress and expressed satisfaction. He directed the completion of the Emergency Block within the current month, emphasizing a swift and sustainable solution to the water seepage on the walls.

In a briefing, Chief Minister Mohsin Naqvi was informed about the rapid progress in installing tiles, wiring, and air conditioning in the Emergency Block. The Secretary of Communication and Works provided an update on the Emergency Block’s upgradation.

Continuing his visit, Chief Minister Mohsin Naqvi addressed the Services Hospital Upgradation Project and the College of Nursing. Observing subpar conditions at the College of Nursing, he promptly announced a Rs 9 crore plan for its renovation and reconstruction.

Inspecting the nursing hostel, Chief Minister Mohsin Naqvi directly inquired about issues from nursing students who complained about inadequate accommodation facilities. He assured them of improvements and ordered immediate action. Notably, the College of Nursing at Services Hospital was originally constructed in 1980.

Expressing displeasure for not including the doctors’ cafeteria in the upgradation program at Services Hospital, Chief Minister Mohsin Naqvi ordered its inclusion and directed the relocation of administrative offices to the basement. He emphasized the need to dismantle unnecessary structures at the back of the hospital and relocate the lab for patient convenience.

Chief Minister Mohsin Naqvi reviewed the upgradation progress of the main building of Services Hospital and directed its completion within the stipulated period.

The visit was attended by Provincial Minister Specialized Healthcare and Medical Education Dr. Javed Akram, Secretary Health, Principal Services Institute of Medical Sciences, MS Services Hospital, Special Secretary Health, and relevant officials.

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