Public Hearing Session was arranged at NAB’s Complaint Office situated at DC Office Quetta on 30th May 2024 by the DG NAB (Balochistan) and DG ACE, Government of Balochistan.

Quetta: 30, May: National Accountability Bureau (Balochistan) organized a Public Hearing Session at NAB Complaint Cell located at DC Office Quetta situated at Anscomb Road, Quetta. The open court session is a part of a broader effort to ensure that citizens’ concerns are heard and acted upon. The event, held on 30th May 2024, provided a platform to the general public to voice their concerns and complaints against corruption directly to the Director General.

A large number of complainants joined Khuli Kachehri and complained against Builders of Ashiana Town Housing Scheme. The case has been referred to ACE Balochistan. Therefore, the DG Anti-Corruption Establishment (ACE) Balochistan was also invited to address the complaints of the general public promptly. Senior officials of both public entities also attended the session. The heads of both organizations heard the complainants and accordingly orders have been issued to the respective officers of both organizations to address the grievances of public. The majority of complaints received were pertaining to scams in illegal housing societies. The sponsors of these housing schemes misappropriated public’s hard earned money and utilized it for their personal purposes. Besides, some of the complaints were related to misuse of authority in the departments of Government of Balochistan.
This initiative of holding Khuli Kachehri on last Thursday of each month, demonstrates the NAB’s commitment to transparency and accountability, foster greater trust, public engagement and provides a direct interface to the society to place their concerns against corruption. NAB aims to address corruption complaints promptly and effectively, ensuring justice for all. The arrangement of Khuli Kachehri proves the NAB’s resolve to combat corruption in all its forms, and this effort also encourage the general public to continue reporting corruption matters to National Accountability Bureau. DG NAB (B) and DG ACE resolved to leave no stone unturned to address the issue pertaining to corruption and cheating public at large in Balochistan.

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