Public Hearing regarding application of Fixed Charges and Tariff Category for Cod Storages


Public Hearing regarding application of Fixed Charges and Tariff Category for Cod Storages
• NEPRA Authority; taking notice of the concerns of Industrial consumers regarding financial burden in the form of fixed charges and applicability of commercial tariff to cold storages; decided to hold a public hearing on the same.
• A public hearing in the matter was held at NEPRA Headquarter today. The hearing was presided by the NEPRA Authority comprising of Chairman NEPRA, Mr. Tauseef H. Farooqi, Member (Technical), Engr. Rafique Ahmad Shaikh, Member (Licensing), Engr. Maqsood Anwar Khan, Member (Tariff & Finance), Mr. Mather Niaz Rana and Member (Law), Ms. Amina Ahmed. The hearing was attended by large number of representatives and senior officials of XWDISCOs, K-Electric, Cold Storage Association, Cotton Ginner’s Association, Industrialists, Electrical Inspectors, Journalists and general public.
• The stakeholders presented their point of views and suggestions in detail before the Authority for replacing commercial tariff for cold storages with Industrial and reducing /minimizing the fixed charges
• The Authority heard the stakeholders and will decide the matter after due diligence and considering the comments, views and suggestions of all stakeholders.

Daily Independent

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