PTI strived hard to make recent general elections controversial, says CT Minister Information

Independent Report

QUETTA: The caretaker Provincial Minister for Information, Jan Achakzai has stated that Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) strived very hard to make the recent general elections controversial, and for the purpose, it (PTI) also made propaganda.
In an official statement issued here the other day, the caretaker Minister for Information maintained that the fake videos were made viral, the narrative of fake form 45 was made and then the Commissioner Rawalpindi was launched too.
In addition to this, the PTI also wrote a letter to IMF, and even made it every possible attempt to sabotage the elections, but it failed in its designs.
The caretaker minister for Information said that PTI has no other option except accepting the results of elections as the fake propaganda would not work now.
He said that it is a reality that PTI has just lost and as such it has to accept its defeat.
Jan Achakzai stressed that the PTI should work with new government for development and prosperity of the country so that the country is economically stabilized.
He said that development is not possible from the politics of disturbance and instability and the public rights are also violated.
The caretaker Minister Information also asked the PTI not to prefer its personal interests in the larger interest of the country and may adopt the course of practical politics so as to steer the country out of current challenges.
He said that there is a need to present positive image of Pakistan before the world. He believed that Pakistan has to move ahead for development and prosperity, and if anyone made any attempt to hinder its way, then one would be dealt with iron hands.
He said that the new government would emphasize on taking the country along while following the constitution and law.

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