Provincial Transport Minister Bilal Akbar Khan plantes a sapling in Transport House

On the special instructions of Chief Minister Punjab Maryam Nawaz, Provincial Transport Minister Bilal Akbar Khan planted sapling to starting the plantation campaign in the Transport Department under the revolutionary program ‘Plant for Pakistan’ campaign to make Punjab green. The provincial minister planted a sapling and prayed for the development and prosperity of the country of Pakistan. The provincial minister said on this occasion that today a positive message is being conveyed around the world. Trees are very important to prevent environmental pollution and it is necessary that everyone should plant their own part. He further said that a significant reduction in pollution is expected due to the move towards green technology, while today more than 1.5 million saplings are being planted across Punjab, but everyone should contribute fully to the ‘Plant for Pakistan’ campaign and make it a success.on this occasion Transport Secretary and other related persons were also present along with the Provincial Minister.

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