Provincial Minister Sardar Muhammad Bakhsh Khan Mahar noticed the lack of furniture in the school,


( By Tanveer Ahmed Soomro)

Deputy Commissioner Ghotki reached the school near Khanpur Mahar and provided the furniture. Announcement of more schools to provide facilities. According to the details, the provincial minister for anti-corruption, agriculture and sports, Sardar Muhammad Bakhsh Khan Mahar, taking notice of the lack of furniture in Government Ali Nawaz Khan Mahar Boys Primary School, issued instructions to provide furniture to the school, on which Deputy Commissioner Ghotki Dr. Syed Muhammad Ali has reached the said school near Khanpur Mahar and provided furniture to the administration. On this occasion, the Deputy Commissioner said that furniture has been provided to the school on the special instructions of Provincial Minister Sardar Muhammad Bakhsh Khan Mahar. They will mark and provide facilities where a large number of male and female students are studying, but there is a lack of facilities. He said that the government of Sindh is trying to improve the condition of the schools so that the students here can study without any difficulty because the collective goal of all of us is the improvement of education.

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