Provincial Minister Ibrahim Hassan Murad visits Mayo Hospital

On the special instructions of Punjab Chief Minister Mohsin Naqvi, Provincial Minister Ibrahim Hassan Murad visited Mayo Hospital and made a detailed review of the ongoing construction works regarding upgradation. It should be cleared that the Chief Minister of Punjab has issued orders to the provincial ministers to visit different hospitals on daily basis, in this context, the provincial minister Ibrahim Hassan Murad has been bound to complete the ongoing development works in Mayo Hospital till 7th January while Mayo Hospital’s Emergency Upgradation has reached the final stages of completion. The provincial minister observed the ongoing finishing works in the emergency block and directed the concerned administration to complete the work on the given deadline, saying that the order of the Chief Minister of Punjab is to open it by January 7. Ibrahim Hassan Murad also visited the Children’s Block of Mayo Hospital and inspected the upgradation works. The provincial minister went to the seventh floor and reviewed the construction activities. The provincial minister warned the concerned administration that there will be no compromise on quality during the construction activities.

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