Provincial Minister Food, Zahir Shah Toru, while expressing regret and sympathy over the loss of lives and property caused by the recent rains in the province,


Provincial Minister Food, Zahir Shah Toru, while expressing regret and sympathy over the loss of lives and property caused by the recent rains in the province, has reiterated the determination of the provincial government that the government will do all possible to help the affected families and will not leave them alone in this hour of trouble.

He said this on the occasion of a visit to Village Council Saukai along with Deputy Commissioner Mardan Fayaz Khan Sherpao, where a mother and her children lost their lives due to the collapse of the roof of a room in a house.  The provincial food minister attended the funeral prayers of the deceaseds and expressed his sorrow over their martyrdom and expressed his condolences to the families and assured all kinds of cooperation.

Nazim Lal Badshah of Village Council Sokai, Kisan Council Member Taj Muhammad, former Nazim Bilal Ahmed and Nadeem Abbas were also present on this occasion. Zahir Shah Toru said that Chief Minister Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Sardar Ali Amin Gandapur is personally monitoring the rain and flood situation in the province. A control room has already been set up in the Chief Minister’s Secretariat, while emergency control rooms have also been set up in all Deputy Commissioners’ offices at the district level and people can contact them day and night for emergency assistance in case of any accident and emergency. He said that the government  equally shared the grief of the relatives of the deceased citizens and will take care of them in their sufferings. He said that the district administration was surveying the damages caused by the rain and would compensate the victims on an emergency basis.

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