Provincial Management Service Officers Association Supports Secretariat Coordination Council Protest.

BY: M. Ilyas

PESHAWAR– The Provincial Management Officers Association (PMSA) announces its full support for the protest organized by the Secretariat Coordination Council (SCC), scheduled to take place on May 22, 2024, at the Civil Secretariat in Peshawar.

The protest is being held to address and advocate for the following critical demands:

1. Repatriation of Deputationists: The immediate return of officers on deputation to their parent departments to ensure fair administrative practices and optimal resource utilization within the provincial administration.

2. Utility Allowance: The implementation of a comprehensive utility allowance to assist employees in managing the rising costs of essential services.

3. Unfreezing of Executive Allowance: The reinstatement of the executive allowance, aligning it with the provisions already implemented by the federal government and the Punjab government, to ensure parity and motivation among provincial officers.

4. Housing Scheme for Employees and Officers: The establishment of a dedicated housing scheme aimed at providing affordable housing solutions to employees and officers, thereby improving their living conditions and overall job satisfaction.

The PMSA believes these demands are not only just but essential for the well-being and efficient functioning of the provincial administration.

The association urges all members and supporters to stand united in our pursuit of these fundamental rights.

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