Pak-Iran Joint Border Commission meets in Iranian city Mir Java

Independent Report

QUETTA: The Pak-Iran Joint Border Commission’s meeting was held in the Iranian city of Java on Thursday.
The Chief Collector Customs Balochistan, Abdul Qadir Memom led the Pakistani delegation while Iranian side was represented by the Director General Transit and International Transport, and Ministry of Roads and Urban Development, Javed Hyderi.
Other concerned high ups of both the countries particularly related to the border trade and security matters participated in the meeting.
The Iranian delegation welcomed Pakistani authorities in Iran and hoped that the meeting would prove to be fruitful for the traders of both the countries.
During the course of meeting, the matters pertaining to Pak-Iran border trade, issues of transport at border, movement of the vehicles and people at the border.
Moreover, the participants also discussed the matters for increasing the limit of business and trade between the two countries.
They particularly spoke at length about the prospects of bilateral trade between the Iranian province of Seistan and Balochistan and Pakistani province Balochistan.
It was hoped that the issues related to the bilateral trade and others would also be addressed amicably.

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