An important meeting was held at the Livestock Complex under the chairmanship of Food Minister Punjab Bilal Yasin in which the price and quality of chicken meat was reviewed. Food Minister Punjab expressed concern over the recent rise in prices of chicken meat. He urged the representatives of the Poultry Association to bring down the prices substantially to ensure relief for the people during the holy month. The representatives of the Poultry Association assured the meeting that necessary steps will be taken to reduce the rate of chicken. According to the details, representatives of Pakistan Poultry Association, Poultry Traders Association and Farms Association attended the meeting along with the Secretary Livestock, Commissioner Lahore and Deputy Commissioner Lahore. In the meeting, Punjab Food Minister Bilal Yasin directed the district administration to keep a strict check on the prices and quality of meat in the market and to deal with the profiteers with an iron hand. The Food Minister directed the Price Control Magistrates and the Labor Department to take action against the shopkeepers who violate the law. Bilal Yasin directed that the prices of meat should be reviewed on a daily basis and artificial inflation would not be tolerated under any circumstances. The Food Minister told the representatives of the Poultry Association that in the meeting with the Cabinet Committee, a discount of Rs 25 per kg was announced on chicken meat in Ramadan markets. Similarly, a reduction of Rs 10 per kg was announced in the open market while it is not being implemented which is worrisome. The Food Minister asked the representatives of the Poultry Association to take measures on an emergency basis in view of Ramadan and bring down the prices of chicken significantly.

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