Process of recruitments be expedited: CM directs to issue appointment orders of posts whose tests & interviews done till April


Process of recruitments be expedited:
CM directs to issue appointment
orders of posts whose tests &
interviews done till April

Bizenjo warns of stern action against secretary and members of
selection committee on complaint of sale of jobs in any department

Independent Report

QUETTA: In order to fulfill his commitment to provide jobs to youth of the province, the Chief Minister, Mir Abdul Quddus Bizenjo has directed the provincial ministers and secretaries of all the departments to release all the appointment letters of the posts within a week time whose tests and interviews have been completed till April 2023.
The Chief Minister also issued directives to the ministers and secretaries to strictly monitor the process of recruitments in their respective departments and ministries.
They must ensure that all the recruitments be made purely on merit and that in clean and transparent manner so as to give the right to the deserving persons, the Chief Minister added.
He said that if he got any information about the sale of jobs, then stern action would be taken against the secretary and members of the selection committee, adding he asserted.
It may be mentioned here that several thousand recruitments are pending for years in different departments including Health, Education, Public Health, Agriculture, Levies, Finance, Colleges, etc.
It is stated to be top priority of the present government to provide respectable jobs to the unemployed youth of the province.
In order to pursue this goal, the Chief Minister has directed to expedite the process of recruitments in the province.

Daily Independent

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