private hospitals in scientific manner included in priorities of Govt.: Nasim

Independent Report

QUETTA: The Advisor to Chief Minister for Environment and Climate Change, Nasimur Rehman has stated that the disposal of hazardous waste of public and private hospitals in scientific manner is included in the priorities of provincial government.
In this regard, wholehearted campaign would be launched all over the province as per the vision of Chief Minister, Mir Sarfraz Ahmed Bugti.
The Advisor was speaking at a meeting held regarding disposal of hospitals’ waste in Quetta city on Friday.
The Secretary Environment, Nadeemur Rehman and Director General, Yasir Bazai were also in attendance.
During the course of meeting, report was presented on the measures taken during last six months.
It was informed that incinerators have been installed in for disposal of the waste in eight hospitals.
Out of them, four incinerators are operational, which have the capacity of disposing around 22,000 kilogram of hospital waste, it was informed further.
In all nine hospitals have been charged fine on violation of the waste management rules. While on the other hand, notices have been issued to some 48 hospitals while the cases of three hospitals are under hearing in the Environmental Protection Tribunal Balochistan.
It was also informed that currently 15 government and 78 private hospitals are operating in Quetta city.
Speaking on the occasion, Nasimur Rehman directed to ensure suitable procedure of waste management in the hospitals and make the incinerators there fully functional.

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