Prime Minister Chaudhry Anwar ul Haq has announced a slew of developmental initiatives aimed

Nakyal: Prime Minister Chaudhry Anwar ul Haq has announced a slew of developmental initiatives aimed at improving road infrastructure and connecting villages to major cities and towns.

The AJK premier made this announcement while addressing a public gathering organized by minister for rehabilitation Javed Iqbal Badhanvi in the remote city of Nakyal on tuesday.

The PM announced different road projects that included a road project from Nakyal to Nadi via Karila Mathani, Nakyal to Dabsi road via Mohra Sharif, Nakyal to Gali via Nadrot and construction of a multipurpose hall for Degree College Nakyal.

Speaking on this occasion, the PM said that the process of prosperity and development in the region has been started again and no one would be allowed to stop this journey of progress.
He said that every individual and every conscious citizen has to play his/her role in the nation building.
“When we talk about our rights and privileges we must not forget our duties”, the PM said.
Terming politics as prophetic profession, the PM regrettably noted that the people have lost their faith in the system after realizing that this noble profession was used by some politicians as a means to fill their own pockets and serve their vested interests.

The PM said that the God almighty had given him an opportunity to serve the people of the state. He said that after assuming the charge of government many people-friendly measures were taken to improve the lives of common masses. ” Azad Kashmir is the only region in the world where electricity is provided at the cost three rupees/unit”, the PM said, adding that it was possible because of Pakistan’s generosity.
Referring to affordable wheat-flour prices, he said that flour prices in Azad Kashmir were cheaper than the other provinces of Pakistan even in Punjab where wheat is grown in abundance.

He said that the people of Azad Kashmir need to realize the fact that rights and duties go hand in hand.

“Similarly the AJK region, which was in the grip of mafias, has been made a mafia-free state”, he said, adding that now no one could even dare to challenge writ of the state.
He said that a strong and stable Pakistan was the guarantor for the success of ongoing freedom movement in Kashmir.

The PM said that he was a strong proponent of Kashmir’s accession to Pakistan ideology. “Pakistaniyat runs in my blood and I am proud of it”, the PM said.

The incumbent government, he said, won’t allow any one to sabotage this ideology.

On this occasion, the PM thanked the people of Nakyal for according warm welcome to him on his arrival.

Meanwhile, the PM Anwar ul Haq visited the grave of former Azad Kashmir President and former Prime Minister Sardar Sikandar Hayat Khan and offered Fateha for the departed soul.

He was accompanied by senior minister Colonel (retd) Waqar Ahmad Noor, Mian Abdul Waheed, Malik Zafar, Chaudhry Azhar. Sadiq, Chaudhry Qasim Majeed, Chaudhry Nisar Ansar Abdali, and Chaudhry Rashid, former minister Sardar Naeem Khan, Adviser to President Chaudhry Muhammad Mehboob and others.

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