Prime Minister Azad Kashmir Chaudhry Anwar ul Haq, while paying rich tributes to martyrs

Muzaffarabad: Prime Minister Azad Kashmir Chaudhry Anwar ul Haq, while paying rich tributes to martyrs of July 13, has said that Kashmir Martyrs’ Day marks an important milestone in Kashmir’s freedom movement.

” This day holds a special significance in Kashmiris’ struggle for political emancipation”, the PM said in his message issued on the eve of Kashmir martyrs day, today.

He said that it was the time when the Kashmiri people challenged the Dogra Maharaja and raised the banner of revolt against his despotic rule.

“In 1931, the tyranny of the Dogra Maharaja had reached its peak. Muslims subjects of the state were being persecuted and exploited economically and their religious symbols and shrines, their Holy books and places of worship were being desecrated with impunity”, the message said, adding that no one was allowed to raise his voice against the tyranny of the rulers.

Referring to the martyrdom of 22 Kashmiris who were gunned down by the forces of Dogra Maharaja in the premises of central jail Srinagar on July 13, 1931, the PM said that it was unprecedented in world history that 22 people sacrificed their lives one after the other while completing Azan.

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