Prime Minister Azad Jammu and Kashmir Chaudhry Anwar ul Haq has said that highlighting Kashmir issue both at national and international level

Islamabad(PID AJK)
Prime Minister Azad Jammu and Kashmir Chaudhry Anwar ul Haq has said that highlighting Kashmir issue both at national and international level was his government’s first and foremost priority.The AJK premier made these assertions while talking to media men after visiting the office of the All Parties the Hurriyat Conference (APHC) here today. He said that in collaboration with the APHC coordinated efforts would be made to promote Kashmir cause at the global level. “Besides meeting the foreign diplomats in Islamabad, special delegations would be dispatched abroad to sensitize the world about the early resolution of Kashmir dispute and highlight the plight of Kashmiris”, he said.Urging India to shun its policy of intransigence and obduracy, the PM said that the Indian government must accept the ground reality and pave the way for early settlement of the dispute through peaceful means.”The resilient Kashmiri nation won’t succumb to India’s pressure tactics”, he said, adding that the people of Kashmir would never give up their legitimate struggle for right to self-determination, which had been guaranteed to them by the international community.Lauding Pakistan’s principled stand on the Kashmir issue, the PM said Pakistan’s consistent support has been a source of great strength for the people of Kashmir. He said that Kashmir solidarity day would be observed on 5 February in Pakistan and AJK with a renewed commitment to bring an end to India’s illegal and forced occupation of Kashmir. “Success is our destiny. Insha’Allah, the ongoing freedom struggle reach to its fruition”, the PM said.He, however, maintained that freedom always demands sacrifice. He said that a befitting response would be given to India if its agencies tried to foment trouble or carry out terrorist activities in Azad Kashmir.”We have full faith and confidence in Pakistan Army”, he said.In response to a question, the Prime Minister said, ” There is a democratic government in Azad Kashmir”. “Being a political activist, don’t expect anything apolitical from me”, he said.Responding to another query, the PM said that demands of the people have been presented to the higher authorities of Pakistan.On handing over the assets of the Kashmir Council to the Azad Jammu and Kashmir government, the Prime Minister said that the federal government handed over the assets of the Kashmir Council to the Azad Jammu and Kashmir government as a proof of its undying love.In response to another question, the Prime Minister said that the success of the ongoing freedom movement in the Indian occupied Kashmir was that India has deployed 900,000 troops in a small area.Referring to Kashmiris’ unconditional love for the people and state of Pakistan, he said that Kashmiris had decided to accede to Pakistan on July 19, 1947.Speaking on the occasion, the APHC convener Mahmood Ahmed Saghar said that the Prime Minister’s visit to Hurriyat Conference office was of great importance. Reiterating Kashmiris’ pledge to carry forward the mission of martyrs, he said that the ongoing struggle continue at all fronts till the people of Kashmir achieve their cherished goal of freedom.

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