PPP always strives for ensuring political stability, democracy: Shazia Marri


PPP always strives for ensuring political stability, democracy: Shazia Marri

ISLAMABAD, Jun 24 (APP):Federal Minister for Poverty Alleviation and Social Safety, Shazia MarriSaturday said that Pakistan people’s Party had been always striving for ensuring political stability and democracy in the country.

Addressing a presser along with the Senator RubinaKhalid here, the federal minister said that all the political parties were sitting together, despite ideological differences, for the sake of the country’s economic and political stability and strengthening democracy”.

The coalition government came into power, after the removal of former Prime Minister through a constitutional way, to address the suffering of people amid inflation, unemployment and poverty due to the ineffective policies of the previous government, ShaziaMarri said.

About the sufferings of those affected due to the floods last year, Shazia Marri said that the Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif and Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto have effectively voiced the miseries of the 33 million people affected due to devastating floods at international forums. As a result of this, Pakistan received financial assistance of nine billion dollars for the flood affected people’s rehabilitation, she told.

Referring to the Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto’s recent speech in National Assembly, Shazia Marridispelled the impression of any strife between Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz and Pakistan People’s Party and said Bilawal Bhutto has explained that the basic issue was the funds for the flood victims.

Bilawal Bhutto has reiterated the commitments regarding rehabilitation of the flood-affected people during his speech, she said and added, Bilawal Bhutto in his speech highlighted the way a fascist leader in the United States promoting hatred-based populism gave a call on January 06 for attacking the parliament and sensitive institutions led the democratic country take action against him for the country’s stability, banning him on social media from where he was instigating violence.

The same story was repeated in our country when the sensitive military installations and monuments of army martyrs were vandalized on May 09 which, she said, Pakistan People’s Party cannot forgive.

All the provisions in law and constitution will be followed according to the kind of crimes committed on May 09 and those responsible will be taken to task, she added.

Referring to the quote of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah “Scrupulous maintenance and enforcement of law and order are the prerequisites of all progress”, Shazia Marri said economy and society cannot progress unless there is peace and stability.

She criticized the role of the judiciary and said that not any constitutional institution was allowed to play with the peace and stability of the country and support those creating unrest and responsible for ransacking the military installations and martyrs’ memorials.

“If we all are not on the same page today, then it will become a tradition that whoever wants to disrupt peace of the country will be free to do which is not acceptable for any country”, she said.

Shazia Marri said that Bilawal Bhutto in his speech stated that there was always a red line in any democratic country which bare such actions that were threat to the country’s integrity and security. “Civilized countries always take action for national integrity,” she added.

Responding to a question, Shazia Marri said that Pakistan People’s Party was not a party but an ideology with which people want to connect. “We are welcoming those who are joining Pakistan People’s Party to serve the masses”.

She said that Pakistan People’s Party do not believe in the politics of revenge as the President of PPPP, AsifAli Zardari believes democracy as the best revenge. There are no political prisoners in our party’s tenure, she added.

“No political party can compromise on the stability and integrity of the country which was ruthlessly compromised by the protestors of May 09 incidents”, she said.

Speaking about Khyber Pakhtunkhwa’s situation, Senator Rubina Khalid said that Khyber Pakhtunkhwahas worked as vanguard in the war against terrorism and rendered countless sacrifices.

Following the vision of Shaheed Benazir Bhutto, AsifAli Zardari restored peace in the Malakand Division through eliminating terrorism and establishing writ of the state which she termed a landmark achievement of Pakistan People’s Party.

The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province has witnessed unprecedented developments during the period of Pakistan People’s Party from 2008 till 2013.

While the Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf led government played havoc with the province especially in the health sector during last ten years, she said.

Daily Independent

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