Politicization of KP Police Under IG Precipitates Security Crisis.


By M.Ilyas
PESHAWAR- In Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, the politicization of the police force under the leadership of present Inspector General Akhtar Hayat has sparked a cascade of detrimental effects, further destabilizing an already fragile security landscape in the region. The impartiality and effectiveness of law enforcement have been compromised as political interests, particularly those of the Pakistan Democratic Movement PDM and the interim government, have taken precedence over maintaining security and order. This shift has led to a palpable increase in terrorist activities and a deterioration of the overall law and order situation. An anonymous senior police officer, renowned for his crime-fighting prowess, shed light on the situation, stating, “The present IG’s criteria for field postings prioritize officers who have either served under him in the Malakand and Hazara regions and are in his favor, or those who comply with his illicit orders of political manipulation or espionage.” He further highlighted the sidelining of capable officers such as Ghafoor Afridi, Tahir Ayub, Abbass Majeed, Sohail Khalid, Sajjad Khan, Kashif Abbasi, and others who have been overlooked due to their failure to meet these criteria. The repercussions of this politicization extend beyond the immediate ranks of the police force. Many proficient crime-fighting officers from Punjab and Baluchistan are hesitant to return to Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, citing the shift in police priorities towards serving political agendas as a significant deterrent. This reluctance underscores concerns that the current IG’s policies have weakened the capacity of the KP Police to address genuine security threats, emboldening terrorist groups and exacerbating violence across the province. The situation presents significant challenges to the safety and stability of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, necessitating urgent remedial action by the government to restore the integrity and independence of its law enforcement agencies.

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