PM constitutes high powered committee for solution of financial issues of Balochistan


PM constitutes high powered
committee for solution of
financial issues of Balochistan

Committee comprising members of provincial and national assembly to meet
on Monday; recommendations of committee to be included in federal budget;
Bizenjo withdraws decision of boycott of federal budget session contrarily

Independent Report

QUETTA: The Prime Minister Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif has constituted a high-power committee for resolving the financial issues of Balochistan.
The committee comprising the members of provincial and national assemblies would meet on upcoming Monday to discuss the financial situation of the province besides other related matters.
The recommendations of the parliamentary committee would be included in the federal budget.
The development came during the important meeting of the Chairman Senate, Muhammad Sadiq Sanjrani and parliamentarians of Balochistan Awami Party (BAP), MNA Nawabzada Khalid Khan Magsi and Senatoe Naseebullah Bazai with the Prime Minister in Islamabad on Friday.
The meeting was held ahead of the federal budget session. Needless to mention here that the Chief Minister and BAP President, Mir Abdul Quddus Bizenjo had announced boycott of the federal budget session because of the province’s reservations and apprehensions over the federal government’s response towards the financial issues.
During the course of meeting, the financial matters facing Balochistan were discussed threadbare. The reservations raised by the Chief Minister Bizenjo also came up for discussion during the meeting.
On the occasion, the Prime Minister directed to release the arrears of PPL to Balochistan immediately.
Speaking on the occasion, Prime Minister said that BAP is our strong ally in the federation, and as such all reservations of the province would be removed.
He said that the development of Balochistan is our top priority.
The members of delegation told that the BAP is working for protection of the public interests and prosperity of the province under leadership of its President and Chief Minister, Mir Abdul Quddus Bizenjo.
Meanwhile, the Chief Minister Bizenjo has expressed contentment over the progress made for solution of the issues being faced by the province.
He expressed the hope that the Prime Minister would honour his commitment and practical steps would be taken contrary to the past.
Mir Abdul Quddus Bizenjo also said that the detailed official letter regarding the province’s stance and issues would be sent to the Prime Minister soon.
The Chief Minister also conditionally withdrew the decision of boycott of the federal budget session.
He also directed the BAP MNAs and Senators to participate in the federal budget session.

Daily Independent

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