PkMAP slams MPA’s behavior with protesting female professors of UoB

Independent Report

QUETTA: The Pashtoonkhaw Milli Awami Party (PkMAP) has strongly condemned the misbehavior of a ruling member of provincial assembly with female professors of the University of Balochistan (UoB) during protest against non-payment of their salaries outside the provincial assembly last week.
In a press release issued here by the provincial secretariat of PkMAP the other day, it was stated that the insulting attitude of the MPA with the protesting female professors of the University was unethical and against the high Baloch and Pashtoon norms of the province.
The press release criticized the government for not sending a responsible person to speak to the protesting professors and employees of the UoB. The government should have sent a responsible person who knows well the traditions of the province to talk to the protestors, but it was not done.
It was further said that the non-payment of salaries to the teachers and employees of the University and forcing them to lodge protest on the roads is nothing but a failure of the former caretaker and present so-called elected governments.
It was appealed to the Higher Education Commission to find out the solution to financial crisis together with the provincial government and chancellor of the universities before Eid so as to end the sense of deprivation and frustration prevailing among their teachers and employees.

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