Pak’s armed forces gave befitting response to elements challenging sovereignty of Pakistan, says Jan

Independent Report

QUETTA: The caretaker Provincial Minister for Information, Jan Achakzai has stated that the armed forces of Pakistan have given befitting response to the elements challenging the sovereignty of Pakistan.
He said that the armed forces under leadership of Chief of Army Staff, General Syed Asim Munir have made the whole nation proud by giving befitting response to Iran.
On this, the people of Pakistan especially of Balochistan are indebted to the Army Chief, he said adding that not only the network of terrorism of India has been exposed but those exploiting the issue of missing Balochs in Islamabad has also been exposed with his (COAS) very initiative.
The caretaker Minister Information was addressing a hurriedly called press conference at the Sikandar Jamali Auditorium, Civil secretariat on Friday.
He said that with the armed forces’ befitting response, the drama of Baloch women in Islamabad prepared in India has also been flopped.
He said that we have been saying time and again that the issue of missing persons is going to be resolved, but Mah Rang was himself exposed who was otherwise misleading the Baloch-loving Pakistani people together with some so-called intellectuals.
He referred to the statement of Mah Rang in her press conference in Islamabad as she had claimed that the heirs of terrorists killed in Iran are present in the protest camp of Islamabad.
Even, she (Mag Rang) levelled allegations against him (Jan Achakzai) and the caretaker Prime Minister Anwaarul Haq Kakar that they would be responsible for anything happened with her and other protestors in Islamabad, the Minister Information maintained.
He said that the facilitators of Mah Rang remained in the forefront to defame Pakistani institutions.
Jan Achakzai asked them (facilitators) as whether they are also playing in the hands of anti-Pakistan forces or they were misled. If so, then they should tender apology to the nation with sincerity, he added.
Jan Achakzai asserted that he has already made it clear that enemy would never succeed in its nefarious designs, and we have the capability to face the enemy forces everywhere.
The Minister Information on the occasion criticized a political party which tried to demoralize our forces by making false propaganda after the Iranian strike against Pakistan.

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