Pakistan-Iran Joint Border Trade Committee agrees on promoting trade between two countries

Independent Report

QUETTA: The Pakistan-Iran Joint Border Trade Committee has agreed upon taking concrete measures for promotion of bilateral trade between the two countries.
The Joint Border Trade Committee also stressed the need to take effective steps for prevention of smuggling at the border.
The Committee met in Chah Bahar city of Seistan-Balochistan province of Iran on Tuesday.
It was the 11th meeting of the Pak-Iran Joint Border Trade Committee that met in Chah Bahar.
The Chief Collector Customs Balochistan, Deputy Commissioner Gwadar as well as other concerned senior officials and representatives of Quetta Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Gwadar Chamber of Commerce and Industry represented the Pakistan side while the concerned high ups from Iran also participated in the meeting.
The participants discussed related matters about promotion of business and trade between the two countries.
They were agreed on that there is a dire need to take more steps for promotion of bilateral trade between the two countries.
Moreover, there is also need to take concrete measures for prevention of smuggling, they stressed.

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