(Maria Mansab)
In a reaffirmation of their commitment for fostering strong ties, Iran and Pakistan maintain a steadfast policy of good neighborliness and brotherhood. Both countries prioritize the preservation of the amicable relationship between Islamabad and Tehran, resolutely opposing any efforts by adversaries to sour these fraternal ties.
Iran’s FM, echoing the sentiment, stated, “Iran maintains a steadfast adherence to the principle of good neighborliness and brotherhood with the government and people of Pakistan. It abstains from permitting adversaries to disrupt their amicable relationship.” In response, the caretaker prime minister of Pakistan underscored the sisterly relationship between the two nations, asserting that any disputes should be resolved via constructive dialogue and consultation.
Recent diplomatic engagements include discussions between Pakistani FM Jilani and the FM of Iran, Amir Abdolahian. Both sides demonstrated their willingness to collaborate on all matters, guided by the principles of mutual trust and cooperation. They underscored the need for closer cooperation on security issues, as both nations harbor no interest in pursuing hostilities.
The military leadership of Pakistan has demonstrated profound resolve in defending the sovereignty of the nation, as highlighted in the National Security Committee meeting convened under caretaker PM Kakar on January 19, 2024. The forum commended the Armed Forces for their professional response to unprovoked violations and addressed concerns along the Pakistan-Iran border.
The enduring relations between Pakistan and Iran are rooted in a solid foundation, as Iran was the first country to acknowledge Pakistan in 1947. The two countries are also members of several regional and international organizations, including ECO and OIC. Iran’s full membership in the SCO allows for greater interaction and collaboration between Pakistan and Iran.
While current bilateral trade stands at $1.5 billion annually, which is below the potential of $5 billion per year, At the beginning of 2023, a total of 39 MoUs were signed. If these MoUs are put into action, it has the potential to make this objective attainable. In April 2021, a total of 12 border markets were suggested, but currently, only two of them, specifically Pishin-Mand and Rimdan-Gabed, are functioning. At present, Iran is exporting 34.8 MW of power to Pakistan. In June 2022, the countries reached an agreement for Iran to provide an extra 100 MW of electricity.
Additionally, both countries are collaborating to enhance rail and road connectivity. Resuming operations in 2022 after a ten-year hiatus, the Islamabad-Tehran-Istanbul (ITI) cargo train service has become a symbol of achievement in this region. Three points of entry (Taftan-Mirjaveh, Mand-Pishin, and Gabd-Rimdan) exist between Pakistan and Iran to facilitate the 800,000 Pakistani Zaireen, who annually visit Iran.
On June 2, 2023, Pakistan and Iran agreed to introduce the Barter Trade Mechanism. This system enables the exchange of products and services, eliminating dependency on foreign currency for transactions. The involvement of Pakistan and Iran in BRI provides further motivation for collaborative endeavors, namely in the areas of connectivity and economic integration. Promoting the successful collaboration between Gwadar and Chabahar is advisable due to their established sister ports’ relationship.
People-to-people cultural exchanges between Iran and Pakistan need to be increased. There are now 26,000 Pakistani students studying in Iran, whereas Pakistan has 43,000 Iranian students. As per the report by the PEW Research Center, Pakistan has a highly favorable perception of Iran, with a majority of 69%.
The scientific and technical exchanges between Iran and Pakistan enhance scientific collaboration, facilitate commercial activities, and promote the transfer of technology. Therefore, it is imperative to promote interpersonal interactions, specifically within the domains of medicine and technology, in this regard.
Regarding the border, it is imperative to establish the Rapid Action Task Force, as suggested in 2019. This measure will effectively mitigate the issues of smuggling, human trafficking, and border unrest. Even though adversaries are making every effort to exploit the situation, both Muslim nations have chosen to engage in dialogue. Pakistan and Iran have a long history of diplomatic ties, and both countries continue to provide steadfast solidarity and assistance in difficult circumstances.
In light of recent geopolitical developments, it becomes imperative for the two nations to move forward and formulate diplomatic strategies that strengthen their relations strategically to thwart mechination of external actors, particularly India, who aim to escalate the animosity between the two Muslim countries.
Pakistan has consistently maintained a steadfast alliance with Iran. Coordination and confidence between two amicable nations are of the utmost importance for maintaining stability and peace in a complex regional setting. Pakistan resolutely stands for its values to promote peace, stability, and development.
Iran and Pakistan maintain amicable relations and are committed to advancing the resolution of all disputes through constructive discourse. Restoring the trust and confidence that have historically characterized our bilateral relations is of the utmost importance. Therefore, terrorism and other shared challenges necessitate coordinated action.

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