Package approved for 1200 students

Independent Report

QUETTA: The Chinese government has shown special interest in improving education system in Gwadar as a package has been approved for 1200 students belonging to the port city.
In this regard, meeting of District Education Officer (DEO) Gwadar was held with the General Manager, Administration, Gwadar Port, Mr. Zhao and assistant General Manager of the Port.
During the course of meeting, the pace of ongoing projects being implemented with Chinese cooperation in the schools of Gwadar was reviewed.
The DEO presented a project of package for 1200 students of Gwadar in the meeting, which was approved by the Chinese Port authorities.
As per the decision, work on the project would be started in September this year.
Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Zhao assured that he would extend wholehearted cooperation for brining improvement in education system in Gwadar.

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