Overall law and order situation better than past in Balochistan, says caretaker Chief Minister

Independent Report

QUETTA: The caretaker Chief Minister Mir Ali Mardan Domki has stated that the overall situation of law and order is better than past in the province.
The Chief Minister said that the interim provincial government is determined to conduct free, fair and transparent elections in the province.
He said that all available resources are being mobilized for protection of the life and property of the masses besides restoring peace in the province.
He said that the issue of missing persons is long-standing. On this, the committees and commission are already formed and as such it would be premature to say something before the fact finding reports.
The Chief Minister said that the figures of missing persons being presented at the unofficial level are based on gossips and unauthentic. The commission formed about the missing persons is conducting inquiry and several people have also come back over the time.
These and similar other views were expressed by the Chief Minister while speaking to the media persons on occasion of reception hosted by the tribal elder Mir Nazir Ahmed Rahu, in Goth Shahmir Rahu near Sakrand on Thursday.
Referring the Turbat incident, the Chief Minister said that a fact finding committee has been constituted for investigation of the incident.
He said that the FIR has been registered against the nominated personnel after dismissal from service.
The transparent inquiry of the matter is being conducted.
To a query about alleged conduct of the Islamabad police with protesters, the Chief Minister responded by saying that the federal government has constituted special committee comprising three members of the caretaker federal ministers.
However, there was also some mistake of the protesters who attempted to move towards the red zone, on which the Islamabad police had to take action against them, he added.
However, the government is desirous of resolving the issue through mutual understanding, and for the purpose, the special committee has held several meetings with the protesters.
During the course of meetings, it had been decided to release around 200 arrested persons. Of them, 163 have already been released and remaining would be set free after necessary legal action soon, adding he mentioned.
The Chief Minister stressed that we have to move ahead for promotion of national unity by ending hatred.
The unity and harmony is need of the hour for a prosperous and developed Pakistan si we have to ensure it, he maintained.

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