Optimizing Nutrient Management Key to Boost Crop Productivity, Federal Minister, MNFS&R

Islamabad: (PR&P, PARC) Pakistan Agricultural Research Council (PARC), International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA), and USDA Jointly Organize Two-Day Stakeholders Meeting on ‘Fertilizer Right Pakistan Project’ at NARC Islamabad. This project aims to enhance productivity through the efficient use of fertilizers and to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The session was inaugurated by Dr. Kauser Abdullah Malik, the Federal Minister for the Ministry of National Food Security and Research. The minister emphasized the importance of integrated nutrient management to increase crop productivity. Dr. Kauser highlighted that the ‘Fertilizer Right Pakistan Project’ can play a crucial role in promoting sustainable agricultural practices and enhancing crop productivity through the implementation of scientifically-backed fertilizer management strategies.

Chairman PARC, Dr. Ghulam Muhammad Ali, reiterated the significance of the Fertilize Right Pakistan Project in promoting sustainable agricultural practices and enhancing crop productivity in Pakistan. Dr. Ali appreciated the continuous support of USDA in grooming the agriculture sector of Pakistan through different projects. The meeting was graced by the presence of a USDA delegation, comprising five visiting scientists from Washington D.C., who actively participated in the proceedings. Representatives from USAID, Agronomists from ICARDA Morocco, a large number of scientists from International Centers and Pakistan’s National and Provincial institutes participated in the meeting. USDA lead scientist and team leader Dr. Abiola Adeyemi and ICARDA Country Manager Dr. Abdul Majid briefed the participants about Fertilize Right Project.

The two-day marathon of planning sessions witnessed stakeholders and collaborating institutions presenting their respective workplans, igniting profound discussions and deliberations aimed at devising an effective implementation strategy. This gathering for the ‘Fertilizer Right Pakistan Project’ not only served as a platform for robust discussions but also fostered collaborations among key players in the agricultural sector. Emphasizing the twin goals of enhancing productivity and promoting sustainable practices, the event underscored the significance of coordinated efforts and partnerships in propelling Pakistan’s agricultural landscape forward.

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