Opposition MPAs concerned about law & order situation in various parts of Balochistan

Independent Report

QUETTA: The members of provincial assembly belonging to the Opposition parties have expressed concern about the law and order situation in the province.
They expressed concern about the law and order situation while participating in the general debate held on the issue during session of assembly on Friday.
The Speaker, Captain (Retd) Abdul Khaliq Achakzai was in the chair.
While opening debate on the issue of law and order, the Leader of Opposition, Muhammad Younas Aziz Zehri alleged that the Police and CTD violate the chadar and chaar deewari. He said that the killers of our (Jamiat) leader could not be arrested in Khuzdar.
He said that we have always remain peaceful, and demand rights while remaining peaceful.
The MPA belonging to JUI, Mir Zabid Reki said that the incidents of kidnapping for ransom are occurring in the province. The Jamiat’e leaders are also being killed, but whereabouts of the killers are not being known, he alleged.
He said that the law and order situation is particularly very bad in Tehsil Mashkail of Washuk district.
Mir Zabid Reki demanded of the government to arrest and take the kidnappers and killers to task.
He also demanded action against those backing the kidnappers and killers.
Similarly, the MPA of JUI, Syed Zafar Agha pointed out that the law and order situation has been worsening in Pishin district with every passing day.
He said that the incidents of theft of vehicles have become common. He demanded of the government to take steps for restoration of law and order in Pishin.
The National Party’s MPA Rehmat Saleh Baloch said that every segment of the society wants peace in the province. He said that Balochistan was subjected to the proxy war and as such we have to fight this war together.
He said that all of us would have to unite against violence and terrorism. He said that 10 districts of the province were affected due to the proxy war started in 2006.
He pointed out that the incidents of theft and dacoities have been increased in Panjgur during last two years.
He said that the culprits managed to escape despite the geofencing done after the law and order incidents. He also pointed out that use and selling of drugs is common in Panjgur, and adding demanded of the government to take steps for its prevention.
The MPA Ghulam Dastagir Badini noted with concern that vehicles of worth millions of rupees are stolen despite the modern technology. He said that huge money is being spent in the IT sector, but to no avail. He pleaded to provide modern facilities to police force for improving law and order situation in the province.
Responding to the speeches of Opposition MPAs, the Provincial Minister for Irrigation, Mir Sadiq Umrani said that it is utmost effort of Chief Minister Balochistan to restore law and order in the province.
He said that some foreign forces are spoiling law and order in the province.
He said that steps are being taken by the police and law enforcement agencies for establishment of peace in the province.
He. However, pleaded to increase number of police personnels in the province including Naseerabad division.
He also pleaded to provide new vehicles to the police stations and officers besides increasing capacity of the police.
The Provincial Minister for Agriculture, Ali Madad Jatak said that law and order situation has been improved much in the province than past.
He said that the law and order situation is also improved in Sariab area.
He said that the provincial government is determined to provide livelihood to the people besides taking steps for development of the province.

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