One woman killed – Road Passer injured in Firing

By A Sami Bhutto Shikarpur

SHIKARPUR: One woman was gunned down and other road passer received bullet injured at village Mubarak Marfani in the jurisdiction of Jahan Wah Police Station on Thursday in early hours.
According to initial reports, an armed battle took place between two rival groups of Marfani community, as a result of firing one woman named Ashraf Khatoon Marfani the mother of Four Children killed on the spot. While one other road passer named Badar Marfani came in the grip of firing and got injured.
The injured was referred to Sukkur hospital after giving him medical first aid from Government Hospital Shikarpur due to his precarious condition.
The dead body of deceased woman was brought to RBUT Civil Hospital Shikarpur for Postmartum examination and later handed over to her heirs.
As per local sources, the woman was gunned down by her father in law and brother in laws on pretext of Karo-Kari (Honor Killing).
While area police could not confirm the cause of murder like is it honor killing or was killed in other matters?
Police have started their investigation into the matter.
No FIR was registered till late evening.

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