On the special occasion of Eid-ul-Adha, the visa policy for Afghan refugees has been relaxed. Pak Immigration Authority

On the special occasion of Eid-ul-Adha, the visa policy for Afghan refugees has been relaxed. Pak Immigration Authority
By M.Ilyas
Peshawar: On the special occasion of Eid al-Adha, the Afghan refugees who want to go Afghanistan for celebrating Eid al-Adha there at Afghanistan the Pak-Afghan border authority will allowed them through Tazkira without a Visa or passport , according to Pak Immigration authority they can go to Afghanistan through Afghan Registration Card only without a passport and visa.According to the Pak immigration authorities, the facility for Afghan refugees to go to Afghanistan for Eid Al-Adha. In order not to face any kind of problem, according to Torkham border immigration authorities, the clearance process has been started from today and tomorrow from 7 AM to 9 PM, Afghan passengers will complete the clearance stage from Torkham border immigration for departure will be able to complete the legal process.

Daily Independent

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