On May 28, 2024, in Rawalpindi, a funeral prayer was held for the martyrs who embraced martyrdom in a fierce exchange

“On May 28, 2024, in Rawalpindi, a funeral prayer was held for the martyrs who embraced martyrdom in a fierce exchange..in the Bagh area of Peshawar district yesterday. The martyrs, Naik Muhammad Ashfaq Butt, Lance Naik Syed Danish Afkar, Sepoy Timur Malik, Sepoy Nadeer Sagheer, and Sepoy Muhammad Yasin, were laid to rest with full military honors in their native areas. Senior officers of the Pakistan Army, families of the martyrs, relatives, and a large number of local people attended the funeral prayer. The Pakistan Army is determined to eliminate the menace of terrorism at any cost, alongside the nation.”

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