Of Women Healthcare

My name is Ahmad Jan. I am a Numl, Islamabad graduated. I hold a degree in arts and humanities.

Investment in the healthcare of women has a great returns in terms of economy. It has been reported that if $1 is invested in a woman health could have the potential of returning $1 in profit: 1$ invested,$2 returned(Dawn,2024). The barrier in healthcare of women has, at large scale, been ignored perhaps never highlighted. One of the reports highlights the dearth of access to health related information and quality treatment for women.

The world and especially Pakistan has, at a paramount level, never centred her focus on this pivotal issue. It has been reported that all the developed countries whose economy is projecting has multiple reasons and of all the reasons, one is that the women of the developed countries have largely been looked after their health due to which they have actively and majorily contributed to the economy.

Speaking of Pakistan, the government: when Benazir was the Prime Minister of Pakistan, had launched certain programs like, ” the Prime Minister Program for Family Planning and Primary Health Care in 1994″ which was, later, termed as Lady Health Worker Program( LHW). The objective of this program was to enlighten the women specifically those dwelling in the villages about their health related issue. A door to door campaign was run. For instance, how to prevent diarrhoea, water borne diseases, good hygiene practices and menstrual education but alas this program has not been further entertained and practicised.

World Economic Forum( WEF) has stated that if the investments are to be made in the healthcare of women, the economy of world can be boosted upto $1 trillion annually by 2040. This report greatly emphasize on how significant it is to invest in women healthcare.

Additionally speaking, another reports highlights that amongst top 10 conditions that imapct the global GDP is premenstrual and menopause are the top conditions that have an impact of $120 billion which is tremendously a substantial numbers.

Keeping in view all of the above arguments, Pakistan truly needs to emphasize its due role on the healthcare of women which in return will greatly add to the country’s economy if not majorily at least to some genuine extent.

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