Non cooperative attitude of federal government”: CM Balochistan finally decides to boycott NEC’s meeting in Islamabad


“Non cooperative attitude of federal government”:
CM Balochistan finally decides to boycott NEC’s meeting in Islamabad

No member of National Economic Council from Balochistan including myself would participate in NEC’s meeting being held today, asserts Mir Abdul Quddus Bizenjo

Independent Report

QUETTA: The Chief Minister Balochistan, Mir Abdul Quddus Bizenjo has categorically stated that no member of National Economic Council (NEC) from the province including him would participate in the NEC’s meeting being held today (Tuesday) in Islamabad.
According to an official handout issued here on Monday, the Chief Minister has made the decision of boycott of the NEC’s meeting in view of the non-cooperative attitude of the federal government.
The Chief Minister regretfully pointed out that the federal government has not implemented the assurances and commitments so far made regarding the province.
He said that this attitude of the federal government reflects the extreme disappointing situation.
Even Rs. 10 billion as announced by the Prime Minister for rehabilitation of the flood affected people of the province has also not been provided yet, he added.
In this regard, repeated reminders were also made to the federal government and an official memorandum was also sent to the Prime Minister, but in vain.
Mir Abdul Quddus Bizenjo said that the provincial government helped and rehabilitated the flood affectees to its best mobilizing its limited resources.
He said that it was hoped that the rehabilitation activities would be promoted further after receiving the grant of Rs. 10 billion from the federal government.
He pointed out that the flood affected people are still awaiting the government support under the open sky.
He said that the federal government has also been asked to include the projects proposed by the members of Senate and National Assembly in the federal PSDP.
He said that we can’t give development funds to the members of Senate and National Assembly because of the limited funds and resources.
The Chief Minister said that the members of provincial assembly are not in favour of including the Senators and MNAs’ proposed projects in the provincial development programme.

Daily Independent

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