No differences among coalition parties on formation of provincial cabinet: Shahid Rind

Independent Report

QUETTA: The spokesman, Government of Balochistan, Shahid Rind has stated that there is no difference among the coalition parties over the matter of formation of provincial cabinet.
He said that the matter of formation of provincial cabinet has been settled and the process would be completed after return of the Chief Minister Mir Sarfraz Ahmed Bugti from abroad.
The spokesman of provincial government was speaking to the media persons during his visit to the Quetta Press Club on Thursday afternoon.
It may be mentioned here that it was the maiden visit of Shahid Rind to the Press Club after his appointment as the spokesman to Government of Balochistan.
He mentioned that all affairs of the government are being run accordingly.
He said that the Chief Minister had to leave for abroad due to illness of his brother.
He said that formula has been decided about formation of the provincial cabinet.
He said that for time being, the PPP, PML-N and BAP would be included in the cabinet.
He said that
He said that a committee would be formed for resolving the financial matters of public sector universities in the province

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