No compromise can be made on state’s matters, asserts Mir Ziaullah Langove


Issue of Maulana Hidayat related to state:
No compromise can be made
on state’s matters, asserts
Mir Ziaullah Langove

Provincial Minister Home reiterates government’s resolve not
to spare those challenging writ of government whatsoever

Independent Report

QUETTA: The Provincial Minister for Home and Tribal Affairs, Mir Ziaullah Langove has stated that the issue of Haq Do Tehreek leader, Maulana Hidayatur Rehman Baloch is related to the state, and no compromise can be made on the state’s matters.
He reiterated the government’s resolve not to spare those challenging the writ of government at all.
In an official statement issued here on Monday, the Minister Home said that CPEC is the game changer project and Gwadar is future of Pakistan. He charged that Maulana Hidayatur Rehman is playing with sentiments of people of Gwadar.
He claimed that Maulana Hidayatur Rehman has nothing to do with Gwadar and its people. He said that what he thought that Maulana Hidayat’s target is to become MPA.
However, he can’t allow anyone to exploit the situation for just becoming Maulana MPA, adding he asserted. He said that it was the tactics of Maulana Hidayat that affected CPEC in the past.
Referring the tribal issue in Wadh, the Minister Home said that the tribal issues are resolved through mutual understanding and it happens to be necessary to follow the tribal norms for ending the tribal clashes.

Daily Independent

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