Nawaz Sharif is back home after 4 years

The special flight carrying former prime minister Nawaz Sharif has landed at Islamabad airport. The chartered flight, FZ-4525, faced a delay, as per civil aviation officials.

The flight landed in Islamabad at 1:45pm instead of the earlier schedule of 12:30pm.

Nawaz had boarded the chartered flight at the Dubai International Airport to fly back home on a special plane.

A number of PML-N leaders as well as singer Waris Baig accompanied their chief on the plane.

A legal and political team of PML-N leaders is present at the Islamabad airport’s VIP lounge to hold a meeting with party supremo Nawaz Sharif upon his landing. Nawaz’s lawyers have obtained his signatures on legal documents. Azam Nazeer Tarar and Amjad Pervaiz were tasked with completing the documents. Former finance minister Ishaq Dar was also present at the airport to receive Nawaz Sharif.

Azam Nazeer Tarar said they will hold consultations on legal and political matters with Nawaz Sharif. He added that court staff is also present at the airport to complete the legal process of the protective bail granted to Nawaz Sharif.

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