Nation stood by security forces to foil nefarious designs of enemies: Chief Minister


Nation stood by security forces
to foil nefarious designs of
enemies: Chief Minister

Independent Report

QUETTA: The Chief Minister Balochistan, Mir Abdul Quddus Bizenjo has strongly condemned the incident of rocket attack and firing at a check post of security forces in Dhana Sar area on Sunday.
In a condemnation issued here, the Chief Minister expressed deep grief and sorrow over martyrdom of the three police and one FC personnel in the terrorist act.
He also applauded the Police and FC for killing a terrorist in retaliation against the terrorists.
Mir Abdul Quddus Bizenjo said that terrorists can’t down the moral of our security forces by carrying out such cowardly acts.
He said that the sacrifices of security forces are worth following for the nation. The Chief Minister also said that the security forces are ensuring protection of the nation and country with strong resolve and courage.
He said that the entire nation is standing with its security forces to foil the nefarious designs of the enemies.
He expressed complete solidarity with the bereaved families of the martyrs. He also prayed for early recovery of the injured personnel.

Daily Independent

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