“Nasirabad Division Farmers Face Severe Financial Crisis Due to Non-Purchase of Wheat”

“Usta Muhammad (Report by Hanif Baloch): Nasirabad Division, known as the Green Belt and granary of Balochistan, is facing a severe financial crisis due to the non-purchase of wheat by the government and food department. Farmers and landowners are warning that if the government and food department do not start purchasing wheat immediately, they will not cultivate wheat and rice in Nasirabad Division. The closure of wheat purchases due to the influence of a few individuals is equivalent to challenging the government’s writ. Due to the cold war between food department officials, farmers and landowners in Nasirabad Division are forced to take loans from financial institutions. While more than eight ministries in the Balochistan government are enjoying the benefits, farmers and landowners are suffering. According to details, farmers and landowners from Nasirabad Division, including Usta Muhammad, Mir Sabir Ali Pindrani, Mir Niaz Mengal, Jamil Ahmed Jamali, Mir Ghulam Rasool Hajwani, Ghaffar Khan Sial, and Omid Ali Mengal, have expressed severe disappointment and anger, warning that if the situation continues, they will be forced to take drastic measures.”

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