NAB Sub Office Gwadar organized Seminar on “Role of Students in Eradication of Corruption” at University of Gwadar


Gwadar, 27 March: NAB Sub Office Gwadar organized a seminar at University of Gwadar in connection with anti-corruption awareness campaign on the topic “Role of Students in Eradication of Corruption”. A large number of university professors, students attended the event. Vice Chancellor of the University Mr. Razzaq Sabir, Incharge NAB’s Sub Office Gwadar Dr. Muhammad Rashad and Mr. Irshad Bulaidi Director ORIC University of Gwadar addressed the students on the topic. Vice Chancellor Mr. Razzaq Sabir in his opening remarks welcomed the NAB’s team and highlighted the purpose of seminar and importance of the topic for the students. Dr. Muhammad Rashad in his lecture, stressed the students to play their role against corruption. He said that corruption is an evil which effects every aspect of the society including investment, quality, merit, social and ethical behavior and systems. He further highlighted importance of youth /students in eradication of this evil. Students being future leadership can play an important role in controlling corruption by using technology, whistleblowing and forming social groups. Mr. Irshad Bulaidi Director ORIC University of Gwadar during his speech also shared his views on the topic. He asserted that students can play their role in eradicating corruption through creative ideas, innovative thinking and problem solving techniques.

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