NAB (Balochistan) organized Seminar on “Role of Students in Eradication of Corruption” at Federal Government Boys Degree College, Quetta Cantt

NAB (Balochistan) organized Seminar on “Role of Students in Eradication of Corruption” at Federal Government Boys Degree College, Quetta Cantt
NAB under its awareness campaign organizes awareness seminars, lectures, workshops and conferences in different educational institutes to motivate the students against the evil of corruption.In this connection,the Director General NAB (Balochistan) deputed a team headed by
Mr. Muhammad Farooq Azam,Director NAB to conduct a seminar on 2nd April 2024 on the topic of “Role of Students in Eradication of Corruption” at Federal Government Boys Degree College, Quetta.
The Regional Director FGEI Lt. Col.Abdul Mustafa, Principal of the College Mr. Imtiaz AliTunio, faculty members and college students participated in the seminar. The primary objective of seminar was to create awareness among young students against corruption through collective efforts with aim to build a corruption-free society.
The Principal FG Degree Boys College, Quetta Cantt shared his views about the topic in his inaugural words, welcomed the participants and appreciated NAB for arranging the seminar.
Mr. Muhammad Farooq Azam, Director NAB delivered lecture and spoke about the vision, mission, functioning of NAB and role of students in eradication of corruption. He conveyed his views to the students about the effects of corruption and its consequences in the light of Islamic teachings as per versus of Quran. He elaborated that the messenger of Allah cursed the one who gives bribe and who takes it. He stated that Quaid-e-Azamin the early days of Pakistan rightly pointed out corruption and bribery as the biggest curse from which we are suffering. Director NAB said that bribery, extortion, influence peddling, nepotism and syndicate corruption are various branches of corruption which are determental for the society and the state. While discussing the disadvantages of corruption he pointed out shadow economy, low foreign investment, deficient trade and ill health of economy is the cause of Corruption.
The speaker was of the view that students must know about corruption and its consequences so it will help them in their future professional life. He termed youth as future leader. He said that young people bring fresh perspectives and innovative ideas which will help the society finding new ways to combat corruption. Technology can be utilized as a weapon in eradication of Corruption. He also stressed upon Self Accountability and asked every participant to play their part in betterment of the society.
At the end of the seminar Character Building Society was also established in the college, thereafter an awareness walk was arranged wherein Regional Director, NAB officers, faculty members, lecturers and large number of students participated.

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