NAB (Balochistan) organized Seminar on “How to Eradicate Corruption from Society

Quetta,  : NAB (Balochistan) organized Seminar on “How to Eradicate Corruption from Society ?” at NAB (Balochistan)
NAB under its awareness campaign organizes awareness seminars, lectures, workshops and conferences to motivate the general public against the evil of corruption. Accordingly a seminar was arranged at NAB (Balochistan) on 19th April 2024 on the topic “How to Eradicate Corruption from Society?”. Mr. Ehsan Ullah Kakar, Vice Chancellor University of Loralai was the chief guest of the event. DG NAB (B) Mr. Izhar Ahmed Awan, Additional Director Cyber Crime FIA Mr. Tariq Khan alongwith NAB Officers and Officials attended the seminar.
The main objective of the seminar was to disseminate awareness among young and general masses to play their pivotal role in reproduction of a corruption-free society. Director General NAB (B) Mr. Izhar Ahmed Awan in his inaugural words welcomed the chief guest and the participants. While describing the purpose of event, he highlighted the ill effects of corruption on society and asked everyone to play their role.
The Chief Guest of the seminar Mr. Ehsan-Ullah Kakar Vice Chancellor University of Loralai also emphasized upon a corruption free society and suggested everyone to learn skills and play their part in development of country. He said government must start some model institutions in every city of Pakistan to promote skillful activities for the growth of econmy. He said unfortunately our country is also striving due to curse of corruption which is causing poverty. He recommended to everyone to learn IT based skills, it will not only help in eradication of corruption but will flourish the country.
DG NAB (B) also informed the audience about skillful activities being carried out by the females of NAB (Balochistan) and assured for further enhancement in these activities.

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