NA Speaker strongly condemns breach of Pakistan’s airspace by Iran

ISLAMABAD, : National Assembly Speaker Raja Pervez Ashraf on Wednesday strongly condemned the breach of Pakistan’s airspace by Iran.

The Speaker, in a statement, termed Iran’s missile attack into Pakistan territory “an irresponsible and unacceptable act”, asserting that the breach of Pakistan’s border limits was not acceptable under any circumstances.



“This violation of Pakistan’s border limits is an attack on national security,” he added.

Raja Pervez said that Pakistan, as a peaceful nation, had always prioritized friendly and brotherly relations with all neighbouring countries, including Iran.

“Pakistan believes in the policy of non-aggression, but any violation of our border limits will not be tolerated,” he added while asserting Pakistan’s inherent right to retaliate against any aggression.

The Speaker also expresed deep sorrow and regret over the loss of precious human lives caused by the the missile attack and sympathized with the affected families.



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