Mutual civility, respect to difference of opinion & acceptance of each other can bridge gap among masses: Governor

Independent Report

QUETTA: The Governor Balochistan, Malik Abdul Wali Khan Kakar has stated that democracy is actually name of rule of people in which mutual civility and respect to difference of opinion and acceptance of each other are compulsory elements.
These can help bridge the gaps between the masses and that by promoting the environment of dialogue, honoring mutual respect and by sharing the grief and sorrow of one another.
These views were expressed by the Governor while speaking to different delegations who called on him here on Wednesday.
He said that we have to take benefit from the ever changing world, human consciousness and the modern technology and development.
He noted with concern that we have just been away from the big objectives and high human values after falling prey to the meaningless differences and unnecessary hatred.
He said that majority of the conscious and educated personalities have also kept them disassociated from the high values, public interests and human development in lust of greed and money.
As a result, as a whole selfishness and favoritism has increased our backwardness, adding he regretfully pointed out.
The Governor stressed that it is high time to awake the whole society and promote mutual understanding and respect among the masses.
He was of the view that collective consciousness and endeavours can result in collective peace and development. And obviously the secret of global civilization lies in it, he maintained.

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