Muharram Observed with Reverence in Nasirabad Division

Independent Report
Nasirabad, July 18: Muharram-ul-Haram was observed with great reverence and solemnity in Nasirabad Division. Processions and majalis were held across the division, with elaborate security arrangements in place.

Commissioner Nasirabad Division, Muin-ur-Rehman Khan, had issued special instructions for the occasion, which were implemented by the district administrations of Nasirabad, Jaffarabad, Sohbatpur, Usta Muhammad, Jhal Magsi, and Kachhi.

The routes of the processions were cleaned and sanitized, and sweeping and searching operations were carried out. Police and levies personnel were deployed along the routes, ensuring the security of the participants.

Various scholars and Zakireen participated in the majalis, emphasizing the importance of peace and brotherhood. Commissioner Muin-ur-Rehman Khan had also held a high-level meeting with scholars and Zakireen, urging them to promote peace and harmony in their sermons.

The security arrangements in Nasirabad Division were commendable, with all officers and personnel performing their duties diligently. The processions passed off peacefully, culminating at the designated imambargahs.

The district administrations of all districts in Nasirabad Division deserve appreciation for their efforts in maintaining law and order during Muharram. Their vigilance and coordination ensured that the occasion passed off peacefully.

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