Modern research center to be set up for lawyers:

Independent Report

QUETTA: The Chief Justice, Balochistan High Court (BHC), Mr. Justice Muhammad Hashim Khan Kakar has stated that the cases pending in the courts would be disposed of soon.
It is loss of the lawyers if cases remain pending, observed the Chief Justice while addressing the reception hosted here at the High Court on Tuesday.
The reception was arranged in honour of the newly appointed Chief Justice Hashim Kakar and retiring judge Mr Justice Nazeer Ahmed Langove.
The Chief Justice BHC said that he considers the Bar his mother institution as the judges come from there.
Mr Justice Muhammad Hashim Khan Kakar pointed out that the youngsters are disappeared but their families don’t know anything about them.
He also noted with concern that the innocent people are killed in the name of honour, which is sorrowful.
He said that he would never commit negligence in resolving the problems.
He said that we are endeavouring to resolve all issues of the lawyers.
He announced that modern research center would be established for the lawyers.
All the judges of High Court as well as office bearers of different bar associations and senior lawyers participated in the reception gathering.

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