Misconduct of Afghan Consulate officials and grave violation of diplomatic norms.

By M.Ilyas

PESHAWAR – The officials of the Afghan Consulate were invited by the Chief Minister of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Ali Amin Gandapur today for the Rahmatulel Aalameen conference.

Afghan Consul General Mohibullah Shakir sat during the national anthem of Pakistan and flouted diplomatic protocol by brazenly and shamelessly sitting on his seats.

This is unusual and contrary to diplomatic etiquette, such behavior is considered counter-civilization in any civilized society.
According to constitutional experts, such a person should be declared an undesirable person and sent back to his country from Pakistan.

Constitutional experts say that the Department of Foreign Affairs should take notice of this incident and issue a demarche for the violation of diplomatic norms.Due to which the incident has happened in this way,After this Afghan counsel General representative explained , that there was music in Pakistani Aunthem due to which occurs this situation , he further said that on the other hand the music already has been removed from the Afghan National Anthem, so we have to stand up to pay our respects.

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